Mister Motley

Wouter van der Laan, HKU

21 mei 2015

And finally, ultimately, mercifully in the end the curtain fell and they were awaiting a life of happiness into eternity. They had had a struggle. 

Oh what a struggle it had been getting to this final seconds where it would all end, finally it would end. Such mercies, so many mercies have befallen them to be blessed with these final seconds. They knew, at last, they would be living happily ever after. They realized it was bound to befall them in the end anyhow. ‘The curtains had to come down at some point, right?’ they had asked themselves. It would only be fair, considering the struggle they had been through. And what a struggle it had been. And what a delight not to have to be struggling any longer and to simply, mercifully, finally do no more than nothing. For nothing is to be done, for nothing needs to be done and nothing should be done for all is well and all will stay well eternally, finally, mercifully, thankfully. Yes, they were so thankful to something, someone, somewhere. And something, someone, somewhere finally, eternally, mercifully, simply was silent. For there was nothing more to say, for nothing is needed to say and so everyone said nothing forever. And so they stayed and so they lived; In harmony, beyond the end, eternally, finally, silently and still, motionless.

Old Lights (After Bernini), Olie en acryl op doek, 220 x 180 cm, 2015.

Long Hours, Olie en acryl op doek, 315 x 200 cm, 2014. 

Happy Days #6, Olie en acryl op paneel, 61 x 50 cm, 2015.

Happy Days #5, Olie en acryl op paneel, 61 x 50 cm, 2015.



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