Dennis Vanderbroeck

Studio dennis vanderbroeck – Finding my true (blue) color

Online tentoonstelling
26 mei 2016
Yves Kleins - IKB Godet - 1958
Barnett Newman - Cathedra - 1951
Studio Dennis Vanderbroeck - Finding my true (blue) color, collecting - 2016
James Turrell - End Around - 2006
Studio Dennis Vanderbroeck - Finding my true (blue) color, documenting - 2016
Anish Kapoor - Untitled - 1990
Brit van Nerven and Sabine Marcelis - Seeing Glass - 2013
Studio Dennis Vanderbroeck - Finding my true (blue) color, documenting 2 - 2016
Penique Productions - El Claustro - 2011
Do Hu Suh - Blueprint - 2010
Studio Dennis Vanderbroeck - Finding my true (blue) color, categorizing - 2016
Anne Sophie Berger - Four Seasons - 2014
Craig Green - Spring Summer 2015
Studio Dennis Vanderbroeck - Finding my true blue color, concluding - 2016

i surround myself with it.
it all started quite innocent, i guess.
how blue was bad and yellow good.
with now having produced over 20 bodies of work.
the answer “just because i think it is pretty”.
is not acceptable anymore, i guess.
i have never studied the color.
neither my intentions of using it.
while documenting the idea of my true (blue) color.
i had to conclude that i do not have one true (blue) color.
i have been using several kinds of blue.
all claiming that they were mine.
quite presumptuous.
this series can be considered as an honest attempt in finding my true blue

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