Mister Motley

Niccolò Masini – Rietveld Academie

10 juni 2015

1968 – 2015

“ I do not like putting on paper details concerning my gestures. I prefer sharing my story from time to time to those who care to listen; Oral transmission and gesture cannot be written down in black and white. Together, those elements constitute the material allowing to meet anyone who wishes to enter a Master’s secret world. “
From my dialogues with Franco.

There are a certain amount of time honored gestures that have no beginning and perhaps no ending.
A sea tornado is composed of rotating columns of air over water. This natural reaction combines material and immaterial elements, forming a single object in time and space. Using this metaphor as an act of enclosing, within a process of existential reproduction, could potentially initiate a dynamic process of self-disclosure towards space.
In this video installation I asked myself if it would be possible to physically recreate a dimension where past and future experiences are embodied. Created to eventually decompose, materiality oscillates between its embodiment and its formalization within a time-lapse experience. The result generated by these two elements is established when their meeting occurs within a specific time frame. The true nature of an action lies in the extension of a shared experience between individuals. All involved parties are impersonated through the results of the resulting action, within a specific timeframe and space.

522 1968 – 2015

Bluray video installation – 2min 28sec [looped]

Gerrit Rietveld Academy Hesitant Autonomy GRA SHOW


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