Nada van Dalen

Nada van Dalen: A Strange Twilight Under the Uranium Glass

Online tentoonstelling
29 april 2021
"Flower Plate with Sudocreme" by Raf Anaïs van Gelderen van Dalen, 2020.
Kunzmann Modelle, fetish fashion for fantasy since 1950
Text by Dylan Thomas, tattoo by Koko-Loko, 2016.
"Shit" by Gummo the Bull Terrier, 2019.
Shadow of Jesus in the church of Maredsous, 2019.
Ultrasound of my daughter - Raf, 2019.
Still from the film "American Beauty", 1999.
Francis Bacon, Triptiek 1972.
"Origin of the Milky Way", by Tintoretto, around 1575
David Lynch's Weather Report, 28-08-2020.
Thrift shop-found painting that hangs in the bathroom at my parents' house in Dordrecht.
Old pictures of my family; Neeltje Sint Nicolaas, Caspar van Nugteren & Cornelia de Man.
Book, "De wonderen van het Heelal"
"Hommage aan Lugosi Bela", Ton van Dalen, 1975
Urbex the World (Facebook group)
Urbex the World (Facebook group)
Gum Magazine, nr 249.
Blanket in the garden.
Book, "Sexualiteit van de vrouw (zwangerschap en geboorte)"
Book, "De Bevalling", photographs: Ronald Sweering
Still from film "The Joker", 2019.
Book about cats.
Album cover Talking Heads, Remain in light.
Picture of my bedroom during the lockdown.
Book, "Nederlandse Visserstruien"
Book, "Freaks Collection" by Akimitsu Naruyama.
Urbex the World (Facebook group)
Louise Bourgeois, untitled.
Old book about skin diseases.
Old pictures, a mix of my ancestors and found photographs
Mummified rat found at my birth home,1983, Dordrecht.
Sally Mann, "Body Farm", 2005.
Misprinted page of inspiration.
Traditional costume from South-Holland, worn by my family.
Drawing, by Nada, 1987.
Drawing of a black hole, by Nada, 1988.
Old wedding photo found at Pandora, Dordrecht.
Still from music video "Beck - Loser", 1994
National Geographic, Victorian-era jewelry made from hair. Courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society.
Still from film "Gummo" by Harmony Korine, 1997

Nada van Dalen is een sociaal geëngageerde en rebelse ontwerper die altijd op zoek is naar de grenzen in confectiekleding. Haar label werkt niet in seizoenen en heet je welkom in een donkere, hardcore wereld. Een wereld die vanuit haar atelier in Rotterdam via het web gestaag de wereld in sijpelt. Een wereld waarin verliezers, verliezers kunnen zijn. 

Voor Mister Motley maakt ze een online tentoonstelling over bestaan en niet bestaan; over het korte kruispunt tussen leven en dood. Ook wel de tussenruimte, de paar uur voordat ze moeder werd, het moment net voordat het gaat sneeuwen, de laatste paar seconden voor het klaarkomen. Sinds Covid-19 is ze afbeeldingen gaan verzamelen die deze halve staat van zijn vastleggen en die verzameling heeft ze hier gepresenteerd.

I became a mother during the pandemic, a period where death is closer than usual. Together with the fostering of a new generation the reality of life’s ending became increasingly more tolerable. 

When COVID-19 engulfed Earth, life around me grinded to a halt. The world shrank and deepened at the same time. Macro turned micro, with the large movements of the world restricted, daily activities descended into a new level of complexity. Standstill set in and moments froze in time, often capturing the short juncture between life and death, existence and non-existence. 

The moment before something is completely taken over,
The moment you notice that you are starting to understand something,
The moment before you know you’ve got something,
The moment before you came, a few hours before I became a mother,
The moment before it starts snowing,
The moment before you cum.

The moment between two states, when one can catch a glimpse of what is to come and of what has been, the window between two worlds. The beauty of that half-state fascinates me. I am a relentless hoarder by nature, I collect and collect all day long. Since COVID-19 I have begun collecting images that capture the half-state, those collections can be found here.

Nada van Dalen is a socially engaged rebellious fashion label that is always searching for the boundaries in ready-to-wear.
The label does not work in seasons, but in smaller and bigger collections in different themes.

Welcome to the dark, hardcore world of Nada van Dalen.
A world that is steadily seeping out into the world via the web from her studio in Rotterdam.
A world that is composed of hardcore, hate, death, porn, philosophy and misery.
A world that allows losers to be losers.

“ With my collections I want to show imperfections. I’m not someone who makes herself prettier, instead I take negative traits and appearances and elevate them as beautiful. 
In life happiness should overwhelm you like love and death. These are things that just happen. Life is only comforting when it is full of imperfections and unforeseen twists .

My hometown Dordrecht was an important development for my taste and visual language.
It is the city of misfortune, the city of mullets and the city where the ‘frikandel snack’ was born.”



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Meer Mister Motley?

Draag bij aan onze toekomstige verhalen en laat ons hedendaagse kunst van haar sokkel stoten

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