Iris Kensmil

Iris Kensmil – Diary of a chronicler

Online tentoonstelling
25 maart 2016
Iris Kensmil, installation @ Club Solo, (p) Gert-Jan van Rooij
Darby English, How to See a Work of Art in Total Darkness
Willem de Rooij
Frantz Fanon, Peau noire, masques blancs
demonstraties Nederland 1985-2015
James Baldwin
Glenn Ligon
Ta-Nehisi Coates, Between the World and Me
Black Lives Matter
Barbara Kruger
Astid H. Roemer, Roemer's Drieling
Desi Bouterse 1985
Wilfred Hawker en Militair bewind Suriname 1980-1988
u00c9douart Manet, Execution de l'empereur Maximalian, Toreador mort
Jasper Johns, Canvas
Anton de Kom, Wij slaven van Suriname
Ritz Mual(RMS), treinkaping De Punt
Luc Tuymans
Wendelien van Oldenborgh, La Javanaise
Edgar Cairo, Lelu! Lelu! Het lied der Vervreemding
Marcel Pinas
Mark Bradford, Smear
Piet Mondriaan, Compositie nr.11
Toni Morrison, Paradise
Francisco Goya, La Maja desnuda et vestida
Dineo Bopape
Lorna Simpson
Sonia Boyce
Elridge Cleaver, Soul on Ice
Angela Davis, Kathleen Cleaver, Black Panther Party
Emory Douglas (shirt: Farida Sedoc)
Thu00e9odore Gu00e9ricault, u00c9tude du Portrait
Chuck D, Fight the Power: Rap, Race, and Reality
Nina Simone
Rashid Johnson
James Brown lying in state
The Philosophy & Opinions of Marcus Garvey, Or Africa for the Africans
UNIA, Nation of Islam, BBP
Kerry James Marshall, Souvenir I
NAACP, W.E.B. Du Bois, M.L. King jr.
W.E.B.Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk
Susan Porter, photographer James Van Der Zee's cousin (1915)
David Hammons
William Pope.L
Iris Kensmil, installation @ Club Solo, (p) Gert-Jan van Rooij

In my solo exhibition at Club Solo, I presented an installation of drawings and books about the larger context surrounding my work. In response, Mr. Motley asked me to make a sequence of images for the Salon.
My body of work enhances the canon of the Arts with images of black people creating their own position in the world – and at times entering into a collective struggle for it. I am a chronicler depicting how the world becomes my world too.
In my work I draw on the European tradition of painting and drawing, on contemporary concepts of image and artist’s strategies, and on the history behind my world of experience as a person with black skin. Drawing  on all these elements I composed the sequence of images, presented here.

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