Mister Motley

Ide André – ArtEZ Arnhem

12 juni 2015

The painter paints, the runner runs, the seller sells, the swimmer swims,

the crawler crawls, the singer sings, the gamer games, the dancer dances, the thinker thinks, the gardener gardens, the fisher fishes, the player plays, the walker walks, the climber climbs, the drummer drums, the shooter shoots, the collector collects, the writher writhes,  the doer does, the stealer steals, the healer heals, the killer kills, the fighter fights, the doubter doubts, the feeler feels, the jumper jumps, the actor acts, the teacher teaches, the sleeper sleeps,
The painter runs, the runner paints, the painter sells, the seller paints, the painter swims, the swimmer paints, the painter crawls, the crawler paints, the painter dances, the dances paints, the painter thinks, the thinker paints, the painter gardens, the gardener paints, the painter fishes, the fisher paints, the painter plays, the player paints, the painter walks, the walker paints, the painter climbs the climber paints, the painter drums, the drummer paints, the painter shoots, the shooter paints, the painter writhes, the writher paints, the painter does, the doer paints, the painter steals, the stealer paints, the painter heals, the healer paints, the painter kills, the killer paints, the painter fights, the fighter paints, the painter doubts, the doubter paints, the painter feels, the feeler paints, the painter jumps, the jumper paints , the painter acts, the actor paints.

Ide André, ArtEZ 2015

I used to Wave, like Traces in the Swimming Pool.1_IdeAndre

21 boyscouts wrestling serie in progress


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