Mister Motley

Anne Paternotte, AKV St. Joost

8 juni 2015

Perception of the Weary Eye
BA Photography

Perception of the Weary Eye shows the perception of insomnia, visualized and photographed by Anne Paternotte and inspired by the stories of the people with insomnia portrayed in the series.
Sleep deprivation has a great influence on your mind, perception and state of consciousness. These different influences are visualized on the basis of her own visual language. Anne creates a dreamlike world where both the serenity and poetry are shown as the inevitable confusion, fatigue and distress.

With her photography she visualizes the perception of the weary eye in a poetic form. Anne creates a tension between the objective reality and her own subjective reality. She embodies the struggle with insomnia by steering the experience of fatigue through her photography.
By transforming her suffering into something beautiful, she finds a way to cope with her sleepdisorder and show people an insight into the world of insomnia.
Perception of the Weary Eye is a follow-up series of Streets of Insomnia in which Anne visualized her own insomnia and photographed her nocturnal walks.



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