Remy Jungerman

Remy Jungerman: Pimba (kaolin) and Textile

Online tentoonstelling
14 maart 2014
Remy Jungerman, PEEPINA, wall painting 1988, Paramaribo, Suriname
C. J. Wooding
David Hammons, Rock Head series
Egun (Benin) by Phyllis Galembo, 2006
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Imi Knoebel
Piero Manzoni (1933-1963) 'Achrome' 1957-1963 u2014 Kaolin on canvas, 80 x 100 cm Stu00e4del Museum, Frankfurt am Main u00a9 Fondazione Piero Manzoni, Milano, by VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2013
Dogon Satimbe mask
Cyprien Tokoudagba - 130 x 172 cm
Explorers and their guide in the Suriname Interior, early twentieth century
Altar / idol dedicated to the god in a kumanti gado hoso
Martin Puryear
Aluku Pangi
Andre Cadere
Boa constrictor imperator
Kaoline Tropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute
Lega artist Maskette (lukwakongo), late 19th-early 20th century Wood, kaolin, and fiber
Blinky Palermo
A zokin (dust cloth), made from sewn together and patched textile fragments
Remy Jungerman, Ultimate Resistance/ wood, textile, kaolin/ 85 x 40 x 45 cm/ 2014 photou00a9 Aatjan Renders fotografie

I was born in Moengo, a village right in the heart of Suriname, where the Ndjuka Marroon tribe lives and the Cottica river runs through. The playground from my childhood is still the main inspiration behind my artworks. My research and work  focuses on finding the running thread that links together the cultural esthetics of three continents: Africa, Europa and the Americas.

When Mister Motley invited me to compose an online exhibition, I came across a website of the Guiana’s Geographic. This combined with having read an article of the Surinamese Maroons, it occurred to me that it would be an excellent opportunity to make a journey through time with objects, random images and art works that inspired both my first mural in 1988 and my latest artwork ‘Fodu, Ultimate Resistance’. 

This article shows influences of the cultural esthetics and afro religion I grew up with and is still the the treat that is running through my research.

Hope you enjoy the journey. 

Click for more info on Remy Jungerman and his Facebook and his Pinterest and a small movie about him.
Read also an article about Maroon art, about a Maroon village on the river at Cottica Moengo (in Dutch) and about Boni the guerilla leader (also in Dutch).


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